1000 бесплатных онлайн-курсов по программированию, актуальные в 2023 году.
Двенадцать лет назад такие университеты, как Стэнфорд и Массачусетский технологический институт, открыли для публики бесплатные онлайн-курсы. Сегодня более 1200 школ по всему миру создали тысячи бесплатных онлайн-курсов.
Чтобы поприветствовать новый год, я составил этот список из 1000+ таких бесплатных онлайн-курсов, которые вы можете начать прямо сейчас. Для этого я использовал базу данных Class Central, содержащую более 100 000 онлайн-курсов. Если в каталог были оценки курсов, я включил их средний рейтинг. Это самый большой каталог курсов доступных в сети.
Я отсортировал эти курсы по следующим категориям в зависимости от уровня сложности:
Курсы, предлагаемые впервые, отмечены как [Beginner]. Почти все эти курсы предназначены для самостоятельного изучения, то есть вы можете начать прямо сейчас.с.
Наконец, если у вас возникли проблемы с тем, чтобы понять, как бесплатно записаться на курсы Coursera, не волнуйтесь — я заканчиваю статью и скоро выложу ее на нашем сайте https://uproger.com/
@sqlhub – sql анализ данных в телеграме. Первоисточник всех материалов по работе с базами данных.
Этот список будет постоянно пополняться.
- Elements of AI from University of Helsinki ★★★★★(713)
- Трудоустройство для разработчиков
- Unlocking Information Security I: From Cryptography to Buffer Overflows from Tel Aviv University ★★★★★(298)
- Основы работы в Tableau
- Уроки по Java с нулям
- Alex Marshal: «Как стать Java Developer с нуля и зарабатывать деньги на IT»
- CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University ★★★★★(140)
- «Data Science: будущее для каждого» — «Нетология».
- «Введение в науку о данных» — СПбГУ.
- «Введение в Data Science и машинное обучение» — Институт биоинформатики.
- «Нейронные сети» — Институт биоинформатики.
- «Машинное обучение» — ОмГТУ.
- Computational Social Science Methods from University of California, Davis ★★★★★(107)
- Introduction to HTML5 from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(50)
- «Сертификация в PromoPult. Поисковое продвижение» от CyberMarketing (12 уроков, с сертификатом)
- «Базовый курс по SEO» от Major Academy (14 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Бесплатный курс по линкбилдингу» от Collaborator (16 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Бесплатный курс по семантическому проектированию сайта» от Collaborator (46 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Основы поисковой оптимизации» от ppc.world (7 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Лёгкая семантика 1.0» от Кирилла Рамираса (5 уроков, без сертификата)
- «SEO» от «Школы SEO» (19 уроков, без сертификата)
- YouTube-плейлист «SEO Продвижение» от SEOquick (96 видео, без сертификата)
- «Бесплатные Уроки SEO Продвижения» от «Академии SEO» (82 видео, без сертификата)
- «Бесплатный видеокурс по SEO-продвижению» от Александра Алаева (7 видео, без сертификата)
- Unlocking Information Security II: An Internet Perspective from Tel Aviv University ★★★★★(50)
- Internet History, Technology, and Security from University of Michigan ★★★★★(41)
- Introduction to Linux from Linux Foundation ★★★★☆(37)
- Introduction to Databases from Stanford University ★★★★★(30)
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) from Hebrew University of Jerusalem ★★★★★(28)
- Fundamentos TIC para profesionales de negocios: Desarrollo de Software from Universitat Politècnica de València ★★★★☆(26)
- [New] Introduction to Quantum Computing from The University of British Columbia
- [New] Coding Interview Preparation from Meta
- [New] Software Development Practices from Meta
- Introduction to Cyber Security from The Open University ★★★★☆(22)
- Web Security Fundamentals from KU Leuven University ★★★★☆(22)
- CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript from Harvard University ★★★★★(21)
- HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★★(20)
- Computer Science 101 from Stanford University ★★★★☆(18)
- Programming Basics from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay ★★★☆☆(18)
- Diagramas UML estructurales para la Ingeniería del Software from Universitat Politècnica de València ★★★★★(17)
- Fundamentos TIC para profesionales de negocios: Aplicaciones empresariales from Universitat Politècnica de València ★★★★★(16)
- Introduction to Networking from New York University (NYU) ★★★★☆(16)
- Introduction to CSS3 from University of Michigan ★★★★★(14)
- CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals from Harvard University ★★★★★(13)
- Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning from Amazon Web Services ★★★★☆(13)
- Building AI from University of Helsinki ★★★★☆(13)
- Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems from University of California, Irvine ★★★★☆(12)
- «Машинное обучение в финансах» — «СберУниверситет».
- «Анализ данных в R» — Институт биоинформатики.
- «Анализ данных в Google Analytics» — Андрей Осипов.
- «Теория вероятностей для начинающих» — МФТИ.
- «Анализ данных просто и доступно» — Игорь Клейнер.
- «Математические методы в психологии. Основы применения» — СПбГУ.
- «Базовые навыки Excel» — SF Education.
- «Квантовые вычисления» — СПбГУ.
- «Анализ данных» — РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова.
- «Практики оперативной аналитики в MS Excel» — СПбГУ.
- «Исследование статистических взаимосвязей» — НГУ совместно с «2ГИС».
- «Основы статистики» — Институт биоинформатики.
- «Знакомство с R и базовая статистика» — СПбГУ.
- «Статистика для гуманитариев» — ТГУ.
- «Эконометрика» — НИУ ВШЭ.
- «Быстрый старт в искусственный интеллект» — МФТИ.
- «Введение в информационный поиск» — МФТИ совместно с Mail.ru Group.
- «Основы Python и анализа данных» — «Яндекс.Практикум».
- «Математическая статистика» — Computer Science Center.
- «BI-разработчик. Основы работы в Tableau» — Артём Прытков.
- «Hadoop. Система для обработки больших объёмов данных» — Mail.ru Group.
- «Теория игр» — МФТИ.
- «A Crash Course in Data Science» — Университет Джонса Хопкинса.
- «Introduction to Data Science» — Alison.
- «Learn Data Science» — Dataquest.
- «Data Science» — Гарвардский университет.
- «Introduction to Data Science in Python» — Мичиганский университет.
- «Learn Data Science With R Part 1 of 10» — Ram Reddy.
- «Introduction to Data Science using Python» — Rakesh Gopalakrishnan.
- «Learning to Love Statistics» — Нотрдамский университет.
- Data Science: Wrangling. На курсе научитесь обрабатывать и преобразовывать необработанные данные в форматы, необходимые для анализа.
- Data Science: Visualization. Изучите основные принципы визуализации данных.
- Data Science: Machine Learning. На курсе изучите машинное обучение. Создатите систему рекомендаций фильмов и изучите научные основы одного из самых популярных и успешных методов обработки данных.
- Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science. Изучите ряд концепций, моделей мышления, парадигм анализа, а также вычислительных и статистических инструментов, которые используются в науке о данных.
- Data Science: Linear Regression. Узнайте, как использовать R для реализации линейной регрессии, одного из наиболее распространенных подходов к статистическому моделированию в науке о данных.
- Введение в веб-аналитику от Якова Осипенкова.
- Профессия маркетолог-аналитик от MAED.
- Веб-аналитика для принятия решений.
- Web-аналитик 2.0 от ConvertMonster.
- 1. Платформа Стэнфордского университета, на которой также можно найти неплохие курсы для разного уровня.
- 2. Курс «Теория вероятностей для начинающих».
- Лучше Андрея Райгородского — преподавателя курса — никто не объяснит эту тему. Разжёвывает всё, даёт понятные примеры. Курс однозначно стоит внимания.
- 3. Курс «Основы статистики. Часть 2».
- После основ статистики можно продолжить углублять знания в данной теме и пройти второй курс. Анатолий Карпов излагает материал максимально понятно и просто.
- 4. Курс «Нейронные сети».
- Очередной отличный курс от Института биоинформатики. Для начинающих, возможно, будет немного сложно. Но курс в любом случае стоит внимания.
- 5. «Питонтьютор».
- Сайт поможет изучить основы программирования на Python. Работа проходит прямо в браузере. Сначала читаешь статью, затем решаешь много практических задач от легкого уровня к сложному.
- 6. Курс «Ликбез по дискретной математике».
- t.me/bigdatai -курсы и бесплатные инструментов по машинному обучению.
- CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python from Harvard University ★★★★★(11)
- Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(11)
- HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ★★★★☆(11)
- CS50’s Understanding Technology from Harvard University ★★★★★(10)
- Technical Support Fundamentals from Google ★★★★☆(10)
- Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code from University of Toronto ★★★★☆(9)
- Usable Security from University of Maryland, College Park ★★★☆☆(9)
- Computer Hardware and Operating Systems from New York University (NYU) ★★★★★(9)
- Linux Command Line Basics
- Intro to Relational Databases
- How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course) from State University of New York ★★★★☆(7)
- Introducción a la programación en C: Instrucciones de control y ficheros de texto from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ★★★★★(7)
- AI For Everyone from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★★(6)
- CS50’s Computer Science for Lawyers from Harvard University ★★★★★(5)
- Introduction to Computing using Python from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(5)
- Introduction to the Internet of Things from Universitat Politècnica de València ★★★★☆(5)
- Paradigms of Computer Programming – Fundamentals from Université catholique de Louvain ★★★★★(5)
- Paradigms of Computer Programming – Abstraction and Concurrency from Université catholique de Louvain ★★★★☆(5)
- Web Coding Fundamentals: HTML, CSS and Javascript from National University of Singapore ★★★★★(5)
- The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone from Cornell University ★★★★★(5)
- Basics of Computing and Programming from New York University (NYU) ★★★★☆(5)
- C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals from University of California, Santa Cruz ★★★★☆(5)
- Programming in Scratch from Harvey Mudd College ★★★★★(5)
- Web Applications for Everybody
- Problem Solving, Python Programming, and Video Games from University of Alberta ★★★★☆(4)
- Full Stack open 2022 from University of Helsinki ★★★★★(4)
- CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming from Harvey Mudd College ★★★★★(4)
- CS50’s Introduction to Game Development from Harvard University ★★★★☆(3)
- How Computers Work from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(3)
- Introduction to Web Development from University of California, Davis ★★★★☆(3)
- Python Programming Essentials from Rice University ★★★★★(3)
- Web Development and Design using WordPress from California Institute of the Arts ★★★★☆(3)
- Object-Oriented Programming from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay ★★★☆☆(3)
- C Programming: Modular Programming and Memory Management from Dartmouth College ★★★☆☆(3)
- Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(2)
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing – AP® CS Principles Part 1 from University of California, Berkeley ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★★★(2)
- Software Engineering: Introduction from The University of British Columbia ★★★☆☆(2)
- Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture from California Institute of the Arts ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Software Testing from University of Minnesota ★★★★★(2)
- TCP/IP and Advanced Topics from University of Colorado System ★★★★☆(2)
- Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business from University of Colorado System ★★★★★(2)
- Introduzione all’informatica from University of Naples Federico II ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) from Curtin University ★★★☆☆(2)
- C Programming: Pointers and Memory Management from Dartmouth College ★★★★★(2)
- C Programming: Language Foundations from Dartmouth College ★★★★★(2)
- Linux Basics: The Command Line Interface from Dartmouth College ★★★★★(2)
- C Programming: Using Linux Tools and Libraries from Dartmouth College ★★★★★(2)
- Think. Create. Code from University of Adelaide ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to HTML and JavaScript from Microsoft ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to NodeJS from Microsoft ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Database Queries from New York University (NYU) ★★★★★(2)
- Software Engineering Essentials from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) ★★★★☆(2)
- Introducción a la programación en Python I: Aprendiendo a programar con Python from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ★★★★★(2)
- MongoDB Basics
- CS50’s AP® Computer Science Principles from Harvard University ★★★★★(1)
- CS50’s Mobile App Development with React Native from Harvard University ★★★★☆(1)
- Databases: JSON Data from Stanford University ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Building Database Applications in PHP from University of Michigan ★★★★★(1)
- Building Web Applications in Django from University of Michigan ★★★★★(1)
- Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose from Princeton University ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction to Computer Programming from University of London International Programmes ★★★★★(1)
- Cyber Security Fundamentals from University of London International Programmes ★★★★★(1)
- Principles of Secure Coding from University of California, Davis ★★★★★(1)
- Python Data Visualization from Rice University ★★★★★(1)
- Programming with Scratch from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Cyber Security Economics from Delft University of Technology ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Proactive Computer Security from University of Colorado System ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en Java) from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ★★★★★(1)
- NoSQL Databases from University of Maryland, Baltimore County ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Introduction to TCP/IP from Yonsei University ★★★★★(1)
- Introdução à Ciência da Computação com Python Parte 1 from Universidade de São Paulo ★★★★★(1)
- Writing Professional Code from Microsoft ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- AI for Everyone: Master the Basics from IBM ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction to Cloud Computing from IBM ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction to Cyber Attacks from New York University (NYU) ★★★★★(1)
- Lernen objekt-orientierter Programmierung from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) ★★★★★(1)
- Computing Form and Shape: Python Programming with the Rhinoscript Library from Rhode Island School of Design ★★★★★(1)
- MyCS: Computer Science for Beginners from Harvey Mudd College ★★★☆☆(1)
- Diseño Web con HTML5 + CSS from Universitas Telefónica ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Data Privacy Fundamentals from Northeastern University ★★★★★(1)
- ES6 – JavaScript Improved
- Applications of TinyML from Harvard University
- Deploying TinyML from Harvard University
- Databases: Unified Modeling Language from Stanford University
- Databases: Indexes and Transactions from Stanford University
- Databases: On-Line Analytical Processing from Stanford University
- Databases: OLAP and Recursion from Stanford University
- Databases: Semistructured Data from Stanford University
- Databases: Modeling and Theory from Stanford University
- Hacker Tools from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Understanding the World Through Data from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Computational Thinking for Problem Solving from University of Pennsylvania
- AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists from University of Pennsylvania
- Django Features and Libraries from University of Michigan
- Web Application Technologies and Django from University of Michigan
- Web Application Technologies and Django from University of Michigan
- Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch from University of Michigan
- The Power of Object-Oriented Programming from University of Michigan
- Introduction to DevSecOps from Johns Hopkins University
- The Blockchain System from University of California, Irvine
- Data, Security, and Privacy from University of California, Irvine
- Productivity and Systems Development from University of California, Irvine
- The Nature of Data and Relational Database Design from University of California, Irvine
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing (CS Principles), Part 1 from University of California, Berkeley
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing – AP® CS Principles Part 2 from University of California, Berkeley
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing (CS Principles), Part 4 from University of California, Berkeley
- The Beauty and Joy of Computing (CS Principles), Part 3 from University of California, Berkeley
- Programming Fundamentals from Duke University
- Interacting with the System and Managing Memory from Duke University
- Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice from Duke University
- Cloud Computing Foundations from Duke University
- Human Factors in AI from Duke University
- Big Data Analytics in Healthcare from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Data Analysis and Visualization from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Cybersecurity from University of Washington
- Introduction to Internationalization and Localization from University of Washington
- Applied Analytics and Data for Decision Making from University at Buffalo
- Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR from University of London International Programmes
- Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs I from University of Virginia
- Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs II from University of Virginia
- Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs III from University of Virginia
- Artificial Intelligence in Marketing from University of Virginia
- Identifying Security Vulnerabilities from University of California, Davis
- Evidence and Data Collection for Problem Solving from University of Leeds
- Python Data Analysis from Rice University
- Введение в базы данных from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- Cloud Security Basics from University of Minnesota
- «Вводный курс по контекстной рекламе» от «Яндекс.Практикум» (10 часов на освоение материала, без сертификата)
- «Основы контекстной рекламы: Яндекс.Директ» от «Нетологии» (9 уроков, с сертификатом)
- «Яндекс.Директ: подготовка к сертификации» от «Нетологии» (8 часов на освоение материала, с сертификатом)
- «Яндекс.Директ простыми словами» от «Яндекса» (5 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Как разместить рекламу в Директе» от «Яндекса» (10 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Показатели эффективности рекламы» от «Яндекса» (4 урока, без сертификата)
- «Кому доверить запуск рекламы в интернете» от «Яндекса» (7 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Контекстная реклама: от основ до повышения эффективности» от eLama (12 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Специалист по Яндекс.Директу» от ppc.world (41 урок, без сертификата)
- «Основы Google Ads» от ppc.world (35 уроков, без сертификата)
- «Контекстная реклама» от CyberMarketing (6 уроков, с сертификатом)
- Foundations of Data Analytics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Classes and Objects from Purdue University
- AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Loops and Data Structures from Purdue University
- AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures from Purdue University
- Cybersecurity for Everyone from University of Maryland, College Park
- What is “the mind” and what is artificial intelligence? from University of Colorado Boulder
- Cybersecurity for Data Science from University of Colorado Boulder
- Trees and Graphs: Basics from University of Colorado Boulder
- Data Science as a Field from University of Colorado Boulder
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization from University of Colorado Boulder
- Relational Database Design from University of Colorado Boulder
- Scratch: Programmeren voor kinderen (8+) from Delft University of Technology
- AI in Practice: Preparing for AI from Delft University of Technology
- AI in Practice: Applying AI from Delft University of Technology
- Software Design Methods and Tools from University of Colorado System
- Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle from University of Colorado System
- Software Design as an Abstraction from University of Colorado System
- Shell Programming – A necessity for all Programmers from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Basi di dati from University of Naples Federico II
- Programmazione I from University of Naples Federico II
- Foundations of Data Science from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
- Relational Database Design from University System of Maryland
- Relational Database Management Systems from University System of Maryland
- Video Game Design and Balance from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Deep Learning for Business from Yonsei University
- Technologies and platforms for Artificial Intelligence from Politecnico di Milano
- Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Introducción a UML from Universidad de los Andes
- Web of Data from EIT Digital
- Blockchain for the decision maker from EIT Digital
- C Programming: Getting Started from Dartmouth College
- C Programming: Advanced Data Types from Dartmouth College
- Diseñando páginas web con Bootstrap 4 from Universidad Austral
- Introdução à Ciência da Computação com Python Parte 2 from Universidade de São Paulo
- Introduction to Design Thinking from Microsoft
- AI Fundamentals from Microsoft
- Introduction to Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript from IBM
- NoSQL Database Basics from IBM
- Relational Database Administration (DBA) from IBM
- Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript from IBM
- Introduction to DevOps from IBM
- Cyber Attack Countermeasures from New York University (NYU)
- Information Security – Authentication and Access Control from New York University (NYU)
- Penetration Testing – Exploitation from New York University (NYU)
- A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Blockchain Developer with Overledger from King’s College London
- Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone from The University of Chicago
- Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone 2 from The University of Chicago
- Machine Learning: Concepts and Applications from The University of Chicago
- Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Applications from University College London
- Introduction to Open Source Networking Technologies from Linux Foundation
- Data and AI Fundamentals from Linux Foundation
- Programming Languages Ⅰ from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Programming Languages Ⅱ from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- C for Everyone: Structured Programming from University of California, Santa Cruz
- Data Visualization for All from Trinity College
- Mobile Computing with App Inventor – CS Principles from The University of Warwick
- プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming from Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming from Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Understanding Quantum Computers from Keio University
- DevOps with Kubernetes from University of Helsinki
- DevOps with Docker from University of Helsinki
- Programming with GUIs from Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Programming 102: Think Like a Computer Scientist from Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Machine Learning Basics from Sungkyunkwan University
- Introduction to MongoDB from MongoDB University
- Programación Orientada a Objetos (POO) from MéxicoX
- Information Technology Foundations from Western Governors University
- Scripting and Programming Foundations from Western Governors University
- HTTP & Web Servers
Средний уровень
- Using Databases with Python from University of Michigan ★★★★★(4060)
- R Programming from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(246)
- The Data Scientist’s Toolbox from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(166)
- Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists from Goldsmiths University of London ★★★★★(89)
- Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms from Stanford University ★★★★★(68)
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ★★★★★(66)
- Data Science and Agile Systems for Product Management from University System of Maryland ★★★★★(62)
- Algorithms, Part I from Princeton University ★★★★★(59)
- Getting and Cleaning Data from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(57)
- Cryptography I from Stanford University ★★★★★(53)
- Intelligenza Artificiale from University of Urbino ★★★★★(49)
- Python for Data Science from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(47)
- Introduction to Data Science in Python from University of Michigan ★★☆☆☆(46)
- Object-Oriented Design from University of Alberta ★★★★☆(39)
- Introduction to Big Data from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(35)
- Making Sense of Data in the Media from The University of Sheffield ★★★★★(35)
- Statistical Inference from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(34)
- Regression Models from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(34)
- Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python from University of California, San Diego ★★☆☆☆(31)
- CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence from University of California, Berkeley ★★★★★(30)
- Principles of Computing (Part 1) from Rice University ★★★★★(30)
- Reproducible Research from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(27)
- Practical Machine Learning from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(27)
- Programming Languages, Part A from University of Washington ★★★★★(27)
- Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(27)
- Mining Massive Datasets from Stanford University ★★★★★(25)
- A Crash Course in Data Science from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(25)
- Design Patterns from University of Alberta ★★★★★(25)
- Software Security from University of Maryland, College Park ★★★★☆(24)
- Algorithmic Toolbox from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(23)
- Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial: Principales Algoritmos from Galileo University ★★★★★(22)
- Algorithms, Part II from Princeton University ★★★★★(21)
- Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1 from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(21)
- Data Visualization from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(21)
- Learning From Data (Introductory Machine Learning) from California Institute of Technology ★★★★★(21)
- Statistics and R from Harvard University ★★★★☆(20)
- Automata Theory from Stanford University ★★★★☆(20)
- Introduction to Machine Learning Course from Stanford University ★★★★☆(20)
- Data Analysis with R from Facebook ★★★★★(18)
- MongoDB for Java Developers
- Process Mining: Data science in Action from Eindhoven University of Technology ★★★★☆(17)
- Data Structures from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(16)
- Principles of Computing (Part 2) from Rice University ★★★★☆(16)
- Software Architecture from University of Alberta ★★★★☆(16)
- How to Code: Simple Data from The University of British Columbia ★★★★☆(15)
- Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1) from Rice University ★★★★☆(15)
- The Nature of Code from Processing Foundation ★★★★★(15)
- Design of Computer Programs from Stanford University ★★★★☆(14)
- Python for Genomic Data Science from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(14)
- Building a Data Science Team from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(14)
- Text Retrieval and Search Engines from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(14)
- Responsive Web Design from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(14)
- Data Analysis: Take It to the MAX() from Delft University of Technology ★★★☆☆(13)
- Intro to Data Science
- Using Python for Research from Harvard University ★★★★☆(12)
- Data Science in Real Life from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(12)
- Data Science Math Skills from Duke University ★★★★☆(12)
- Data Structures & Algorithms I: ArrayLists, LinkedLists, Stacks and Queues from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(12)
- Discrete Optimization from University of Melbourne ★★★★☆(12)
- Introduction to Software Product Management from University of Alberta ★★★★☆(12)
- Data Science: R Basics from Harvard University ★★★★★(11)
- Interactivity with JavaScript from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(11)
- Human-Computer Interaction I: Fundamentals & Design Principles from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(11)
- Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(10)
- Programming Languages from University of Virginia ★★★☆☆(10)
- Learning from Data (Introductory Machine Learning course) from California Institute of Technology ★★★★★(10)
- Full Stack Foundations
- Managing Data Analysis from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(9)
- Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau from Duke University ★★★★☆(9)
- Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(9)
- Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2) from Rice University ★★★★☆(9)
- Data Wrangling with MongoDB from MongoDB University ★★★☆☆(9)
- Advanced Styling with Responsive Design from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(8)
- Machine Learning Fundamentals from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(8)
- Foundations of Data Analysis – Part 1: Statistics Using R from The University of Texas at Austin ★★★★☆(8)
- Cryptography from University of Maryland, College Park ★★★★☆(8)
- MATLAB and Octave for Beginners from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ★★★★☆(8)
- Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital from Duke University ★★★★☆(7)
- Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance from New York University (NYU) ★☆☆☆☆(7)
- Software Testing from University of Utah ★★★★☆(7)
- Intro to DevOps from Nutanix ★★★☆☆(7)
- Computer Graphics from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(6)
- Data Structures and Performance from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(6)
- Internet of Things: How did we get here? from University of California, San Diego ★★☆☆☆(6)
- Computer Architecture from Princeton University ★★★★☆(6)
- Analysis of Algorithms from Princeton University ★★★★☆(6)
- Managing Big Data with MySQL from Duke University ★★★★☆(6)
- Computer Networking from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(6)
- Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, SkipLists and HashMaps from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(6)
- Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2 from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★★★(6)
- Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(6)
- Introduction to Meteor.js Development from University of London International Programmes ★★★★☆(6)
- Client Needs and Software Requirements from University of Alberta ★★★★★(6)
- Interactive Computer Graphics from University of Tokyo ★★★☆☆(6)
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning from Santa Fe Institute ★★★★★(6)
- Software Debugging from Saarland University ★★★★★(6)
- Intro to Algorithms
- Intro to AJAX
- Intro to Data Analysis
- Networking for Web Developers
- Software Construction in Java from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★★(5)
- Internet of Things: Setting Up Your DragonBoard™ Development Platform from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(5)
- Data Structures: An Active Learning Approach from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(5)
- Software Development Process from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(5)
- Cloud Networking from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★★☆(5)
- Social Network Analysis from University of California, Davis ★★★★★(5)
- Database Management Essentials from University of Colorado System ★★★★☆(5)
- Data Management and Visualization from Wesleyan University ★★☆☆☆(5)
- JavaScript Promises from Google ★★★★★(5)
- Data Science Essentials from Microsoft ★★★★☆(5)
- Programming for Everyone – An Introduction to Visual Programming Languages from Weizmann Institute of Science ★★★★☆(5)
- Parallel Programming Concepts
- Data Visualization and D3.js
- Algorithms on Strings from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(4)
- The R Programming Environment from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(4)
- Data Manipulation at Scale: Systems and Algorithms from University of Washington ★★★☆☆(4)
- Programming Languages, Part B from University of Washington ★★★★☆(4)
- Data Analysis Tools from Wesleyan University ★★★☆☆(4)
- Querying Data with Transact-SQL from Microsoft ★★★★☆(4)
- Programming with Python for Data Science from Microsoft ★★★★☆(4)
- Practical Numerical Methods with Python from George Washington University ★★★★☆(4)
- Algorithms on Graphs from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(3)
- Internet of Things: Communication Technologies from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(3)
- Mastering the Software Engineering Interview from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(3)
- Big Data Modeling and Management Systems from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(3)
- Big Data Integration and Processing from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(3)
- Algorithmic Design and Techniques from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(3)
- Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning from Brown University ★★★☆☆(3)
- Software Architecture & Design from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(3)
- Human-Computer Interaction II: Cognition, Context & Culture from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(3)
- Data Structures & Algorithms III: AVL and 2-4 Trees, Divide and Conquer Algorithms from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(3)
- Framework for Data Collection and Analysis from University of Maryland, College Park ★★★★☆(3)
- Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration from University of Colorado System ★★★☆☆(3)
- Service-Oriented Architecture from University of Alberta ★★★★☆(3)
- Website Performance Optimization from Google ★★★★☆(3)
- DevOps for Developers: How to Get Started from Microsoft ★★★★☆(3)
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course) from Hebrew University of Jerusalem ★★★★★(3)
- Data Mining with Weka from University of Waikato ★★★★☆(3)
- MongoDB for .NET Developers
- Configuring Linux Web Servers
- Language, Proof and Logic from Stanford University ★★★★★(2)
- Mobile Application Experiences Part 1: From a Domain to an App Idea from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★★(2)
- Software Development Fundamentals from University of Pennsylvania ★★★☆☆(2)
- Building R Packages from Johns Hopkins University ★★★☆☆(2)
- Data Science: Computational Thinking with Python from University of California, Berkeley ★★★★★(2)
- Advanced Data Structures in Java from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(2)
- Introduction to Machine Learning from Duke University ★★★★☆(2)
- Human-Computer Interaction IV: Evaluation, Agile Methods & Beyond from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(2)
- Programming Languages, Part C from University of Washington ★★★★☆(2)
- Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy I from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★☆☆☆☆(2)
- Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★★☆(2)
- Responsive Website Tutorial and Examples from University of London International Programmes ★★★★★(2)
- How to Code: Complex Data from The University of British Columbia ★★★★★(2)
- Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau from University of California, Davis ★★★★☆(2)
- Algorithms from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay ★★★★★(2)
- Software Testing Management from University System of Maryland ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Web Application Development: Basic Concepts from University of New Mexico ★★★★★(2)
- Client-Server Communication from Google ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Computation Theory from Santa Fe Institute ★★★★★(2)
- Developing International Software, Part 1 from Microsoft ★★★★☆(2)
- Principles of Machine Learning from Microsoft ★★★★★(2)
- Data, Analytics, and Learning from University of Texas Arlington ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance from New York University (NYU) ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Autonomous Mobile Robots from ETH Zurich ★★★★★(2)
- Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business from Hong Kong Polytechnic University ★★★★☆(2)
- Approximation Algorithms Part I from École normale supérieure ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Process Mining with ProM from Eindhoven University of Technology ★★★★☆(2)
- HTML5 Apps and Games from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Compilers from Stanford University ★★★★★(1)
- Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures from Stanford University ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Computation Structures 2: Computer Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(1)
- Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Advanced Algorithms and Complexity from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(1)
- Advanced R Programming from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(1)
- Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 2: Statistical Linear Models from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★★(1)
- Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★★(1)
- Programming for the Internet of Things Project from University of California, Irvine ★★★★☆(1)
- Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining from University of California, Irvine ★★★★★(1)
- Basic Data Processing and Visualization from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(1)
- Database Systems Concepts & Design from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(1)
- Human-Computer Interaction III: Ethics, Needfinding & Prototyping from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Data Structures & Algorithms IV: Pattern Matching, Dijkstra’s, MST, and Dynamic Programming Algorithms from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Blockchain Basics from University at Buffalo ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Mathematics for Computer Science from University of London International Programmes ★★★★★(1)
- Software Construction: Data Abstraction from The University of British Columbia ★★★☆☆(1)
- Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design from The University of British Columbia ★★☆☆☆(1)
- DevOps Culture and Mindset from University of California, Davis ★★★★★(1)
- Software Development Processes and Methodologies from University of Minnesota ★★★☆☆(1)
- Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Essential Linear Algebra for Data Science from University of Colorado Boulder ★★★★☆(1)
- Data Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard Design from Delft University of Technology ★★★☆☆(1)
- Automated Software Testing: Unit Testing, Coverage Criteria and Design for Testability from Delft University of Technology ★★★★☆(1)
- Automated Software Testing: Model and State-based Testing from Delft University of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Fundamentals of Network Communication from University of Colorado System ★★★★★(1)
- Linux Server Management and Security from University of Colorado System ★★★☆☆(1)
- Hacking and Patching from University of Colorado System ★★★★★(1)
- Formal Software Verification from University System of Maryland ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Software Architecture for the Internet of Things from EIT Digital ★★★★☆(1)
- Paradigms of Computer Programming from Université catholique de Louvain ★★★★☆(1)
- Client-based Web Applications development: ReactJS & Angular from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python from Institut Mines-Télécom ★★★★★(1)
- Browser Rendering Optimization from Google ★★★★☆(1)
- Google Maps APIs from Google ★★★★★(1)
- Cybersecurity and Mobility from University System of Georgia ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Developing SQL Databases from Microsoft ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Introduction to TypeScript 2 from Microsoft ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Building Interactive Prototypes using JavaScript from Microsoft ★★★★☆(1)
- Introduction to C# from Microsoft ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Algorithms and Data Structures from Microsoft ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Algorithms and Data Structures in C# from Microsoft ★★★★★(1)
- 2D Game Development with libGDX from Amazon ★★★★★(1)
- Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance from New York University (NYU) ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Advanced Database Queries from New York University (NYU) ★★★★★(1)
- Advanced Database Administration from New York University (NYU) ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies from Linux Foundation ★★★★☆(1)
- 用Python玩转数据 Data Processing Using Python from Nanjing University ★★★★★(1)
- Data Processing Using Python from Nanjing University ★★★☆☆(1)
- Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture from Intel ★★★★★(1)
- An Introduction to Practical Deep Learning from Intel ★★★☆☆(1)
- How to Win Coding Competitions: Secrets of Champions from ITMO University ★★★☆☆(1)
- Hacker101 from HackerOne ★★★★★(1)
- Diseño de Sistemas de información gerencial para Internet con MySQL / PHP y Joomla from Universidad del Rosario ★★★★★(1)
- Technical Interview from Pramp ★★★★★(1)
- Designing RESTful APIs
- MongoDB for Javascript Developers
- Quantitative Methods for Biology from Harvard University
- Fundamentals of TinyML from Harvard University
- Probabilistic Graphical Models 3: Learning from Stanford University
- Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming from Stanford University
- Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them from Stanford University
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 from Stanford University
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 from Stanford University
- Mobile Application Experiences Part 3: Building Mobile Apps from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Advanced Software Construction in Java from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mobile Application Experiences from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Machine Learning for Healthcare from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Data Structures and Software Design from University of Pennsylvania
- Algorithm Design and Analysis from University of Pennsylvania
- Data Analysis Using Python from University of Pennsylvania
- Building Web Applications in Django from University of Michigan
- Django Features and Libraries from University of Michigan
- Web Application Technologies and Django from University of Michigan
- Building Web Applications in Django from University of Michigan
- Django Features and Libraries from University of Michigan
- Developing AR/VR/MR/XR Apps with WebXR, Unity & Unreal from University of Michigan
- Intro to AR/VR/MR/XR: Technologies, Applications & Issues from University of Michigan
- Introduction to Machine Learning in Sports Analytics from University of Michigan
- Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch from University of Michigan
- Introduction to Neurohacking In R from Johns Hopkins University
- Building Data Visualization Tools from Johns Hopkins University
- Exploratory Data Analysis from Johns Hopkins University
- The Merkle Tree and Cryptocurrencies from University of California, Irvine
- Data Science: Machine Learning and Predictions from University of California, Berkeley
- Blockchain Technology from University of California, Berkeley
- Data, Models and Decisions in Business Analytics from Columbia University
- Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices from University of California, San Diego
- Minecraft, Coding and Teaching from University of California, San Diego
- How Virtual Reality Works from University of California, San Diego
- Introduction to Genomic Data Science from University of California, San Diego
- Data Structures Fundamentals from University of California, San Diego
- Graph Algorithms from University of California, San Diego
- String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms from University of California, San Diego
- Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines from Princeton University
- Java Programming: Build a Recommendation System from Duke University
- Cloud Data Engineering from Duke University
- Cloud Virtualization, Containers and APIs from Duke University
- Machine Learning Foundations for Product Managers from Duke University
- Managing Machine Learning Projects from Duke University
- Web Applications and Command-Line Tools for Data Engineering from Duke University
- Human-Computer Interaction from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Software Analysis & Testing from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Graduate Algorithms from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Network Function Virtualization from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cloud Systems Software from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cloud Applications from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View from University of Washington
- Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit from University of Washington
- Finding Your Cybersecurity Career Path from University of Washington
- Machine Teaching for Autonomous AI from University of Washington
- Designing Autonomous AI from University of Washington
- Building Autonomous AI from University of Washington
- Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy II from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Data Modeling and Regression Analysis in Business from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Unordered Data Structures from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Ordered Data Structures from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Machine Learning for Accounting with Python from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Machine Learning Algorithms with R in Business Analytics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Healthcare from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Blockchain Platforms from University at Buffalo
- Smart Contracts from University at Buffalo
- Decentralized Applications (Dapps) from University at Buffalo
- Data Analysis and Visualization from University at Buffalo
- Supercomputing from Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
- Introduction to Predictive Analytics using Python from University of Edinburgh
- Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering in Python from University of London International Programmes
- Introduction to Applied Cryptography from University of London International Programmes
- Implementation Strategies: AI and Cognitive Computing from The University of British Columbia
- Implementation Strategies: Cloud Computing from The University of British Columbia
- Worldbuilding for Video Games from The University of British Columbia
- Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau from University of California, Davis
- Essential Design Principles for Tableau from University of California, Davis
- Continuous Integration from University of California, Davis
- Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL from University of California, Davis
- Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming from University of California, Davis
- Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications from University of California, Davis
- Distributed Computing with Spark SQL from University of California, Davis
- Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter from Michigan State University
- Game Design and Development 2: 2D Platformer from Michigan State University
- Game Design and Development 1: 2D Shooter from Michigan State University
- Game Design and Development 4: 3D Platformer from Michigan State University
- Moving to the Cloud from University of Melbourne
- Signals, Systems, and Learning from Rice University
- Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods 生物信息学: 导论与方法 from Peking University
- 面向对象技术高级课程(The Advanced Object-Oriented Technology) from Peking University
- 操作系统与虚拟化安全 from Peking University
- 计算机组成 Computer Organization from Peking University
- 计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation from Peking University
- 数据结构基础 from Peking University
- 高级数据结构与算法 from Peking University
- 操作系统原理(Operating Systems) from Peking University
- 算法设计与分析 Design and Analysis of Algorithms from Peking University
- 算法基础 from Peking University
- 算法设计与分析(高级) | Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms from Peking University
- Java程序设计 from Peking University
- LAFF – On Programming for Correctness from The University of Texas at Austin
- Lean Software Development from University of Minnesota
- Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software from University of Minnesota
- Introduction to Automated Analysis from University of Minnesota
- Web and Mobile Testing with Selenium from University of Minnesota
- Black-box and White-box Testing from University of Minnesota
- Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4 from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Software Engineering: Modeling Software Systems using UML from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Software Engineering: Implementation and Testing from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Software Engineering: Software Design and Project Management from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Big Data for Reliability and Security from Purdue University
- Introduction to Deep Learning from Purdue University
- Dealing With Missing Data from University of Maryland, College Park
- Project Planning and Machine Learning from University of Colorado Boulder
- Algorithms for Searching, Sorting, and Indexing from University of Colorado Boulder
- Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms from University of Colorado Boulder
- Data Mining Methods from University of Colorado Boulder
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture for Big Data from University of Colorado Boulder
- Advanced Topics and Future Trends in Database Technologies from University of Colorado Boulder
- Applications of Software Architecture for Big Data from University of Colorado Boulder
- Software Architecture Patterns for Big Data from University of Colorado Boulder
- Data Analysis: Building Your Own Business Dashboard from Delft University of Technology
- Global Software Development from Delft University of Technology
- Fundamentals of Quantum Information from Delft University of Technology
- Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists from University of Colorado System
- Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks from University of Colorado System
- Packet Switching Networks and Algorithms from University of Colorado System
- Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Threats and Attacks from University of Colorado System
- Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems from University of Colorado System
- Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API from University of Colorado System
- Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management from University of Colorado System
- Symmetric Cryptography from University of Colorado System
- Software Design Threats and Mitigations from University of Colorado System
- Requirements Specifications: Goals and Conflict Analysis from University of Colorado System
- SRS Documents: Requirements and Diagrammatic Notations from University of Colorado System
- Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development from University of Colorado System
- Software Requirements Prioritization: Risk Analysis from University of Colorado System
- Requirements Elicitation: Artifact and Stakeholder Analysis from University of Colorado System
- Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers from University of Colorado System
- Cloud Computing Security from University of Colorado System
- Advanced System Security Topics from University of Colorado System
- Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code from University of Colorado System
- Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration from University of Colorado System
- Implementation of Data Structures from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Foundations of Data Structures from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- I sistemi Operativi Moderni from University of Naples Federico II
- Nuove tecnologie digitali from University of Naples Federico II
- Laboratorio di programmazione: strumenti e programmi from University of Naples Federico II
- NoSQL systems from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Designing data-intensive applications from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Relational database systems from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Cognición encarnada from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Software Testing Fundamentals from University System of Maryland
- Data Structures and Algorithm Design Part I | 数据结构与算法设计(上) from Tsinghua University
- Data Structures and Algorithms (I) from Tsinghua University
- Data Structures and Algorithms (II) from Tsinghua University
- Data Structures and Algorithms (III) from Tsinghua University
- Data Structures and Algorithms (IV) from Tsinghua University
- Algoritmos y Programación en R from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Enterprise Software Lifecycle Management from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Data Processing and Analysis with Excel from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Data Representation and Visualization in Tableau from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Getting Started with Unreal Engine from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Artificial Intelligence: An Overview from Politecnico di Milano
- Machine Learning: an overview from Politecnico di Milano
- The Software Architect Code: Building the Digital World from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices from EIT Digital
- Architecting Smart IoT Devices from EIT Digital
- I/O-efficient algorithms from EIT Digital
- Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements from University of Alberta
- Cybersecurity and Privacy in the IoT from Curtin University
- Communicating with Robots and Bots from Curtin University
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence through Algorithmic Information Theory from Institut Mines-Télécom
- Procedural Modelling from National University of Singapore
- Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance from New York Institute of Finance
- Introdução ao Teste de Software from Universidade de São Paulo
- Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms from Google
- Offline Web Applications from Google
- Intro to Progressive Web Apps from Google
- Introduction to Data Structures from University of Adelaide
- Programming for Data Science from University of Adelaide
- Cybersecurity and the X-Factor from University System of Georgia
- Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things from University System of Georgia
- Programming in R for Data Science from Microsoft
- Developing Intelligent Apps and Bots from Microsoft
- Applied Machine Learning from Microsoft
- AngularJS: Framework Fundamentals from Microsoft
- Implementing In-Memory SQL Database Objects from Microsoft
- Building Functional Prototypes using Node.js from Microsoft
- Application Design Considerations: An Inclusive Approach from Microsoft
- Designing Data Platform Solutions from Microsoft
- Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities from IBM
- Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration from IBM
- Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation from New York University (NYU)
- Enterprise and Infrastructure Security from New York University (NYU)
- Information Security – Introduction to Information Security from New York University (NYU)
- Information Security – Advanced topics from New York University (NYU)
- Penetration Testing – Discovering Vulnerabilities from New York University (NYU)
- Penetration Testing – Post Exploitation from New York University (NYU)
- Quantum Computer Systems Design I: Intro to Quantum Computation and Programming from The University of Chicago
- Quantum Computer Systems Design II: Principles of Quantum Architecture from The University of Chicago
- Quantum Computer Systems Design III: Working with Noisy Systems from The University of Chicago
- Blockchain Scalability and its Foundations in Distributed Systems from The University of Sydney
- Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations from Linux Foundation
- Introduction to Kubernetes from Linux Foundation
- Business Considerations for 5G with Edge, IoT, and AI from Linux Foundation
- Open Source and the 5G Transition from Linux Foundation
- Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes from Linux Foundation
- Web App Development with the Power of Node.js from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich)
- IoT System Architecture: Design and Evaluation from Waseda University
- UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering from KU Leuven University
- Data Science in the Games Industry from University of Dundee
- Internet of Things for Active Ageing from Taipei Medical University
- Orientação a Objetos com Java from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
- Computer Architecture from Harvey Mudd College
- More Data Mining with Weka from University of Waikato
- Introduction: Elements of Microgame Design from Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Using R for Regression and Machine Learning in Investment from Sungkyunkwan University
- Mejora tu Negocio con Inteligencia Artificial from Universidad Anáhuac
- Defensive Programming and Debugging from Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
- Python in High Performance Computing from Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
- Concurrency from AdaCore University
- Introduction to Applied Machine Learning from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
- Bias and Discrimination in AI from Université de Montréal
- Deep Learning Essentials from Université de Montréal
- Code of Life – When Computer Science Meets Genetics
- Dynamic Web Applications with Sinatra
- Deploying Applications with Heroku
- VR Scenes and Objects
- MongoDB for Python Developers
- The Analytics Edge from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★★(80)
- Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach from University of Washington ★★★★☆(40)
- Sample-based Learning Methods from University of Alberta ★★★★★(40)
- Computer Simulations from University of California, Davis ★★★★★(38)
- Introducción al diseño de hardware con Verilog from Galileo University ★★★★★(38)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University ★★★★☆(27)
- [New] Machine Learning for Computer Vision from MathWorks
- Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning from University of Alberta ★★★★★(24)
- Pattern Discovery in Data Mining from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★☆☆☆(21)
- Machine Learning: Regression from University of Washington ★★★★★(20)
- Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics from Columbia University ★★☆☆☆(19)
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies from Princeton University ★★★★☆(19)
- Prediction and Control with Function Approximation from University of Alberta ★★★★★(19)
- Probabilistic Graphical Models 1: Representation from Stanford University ★★★★☆(18)
- Developing Data Products from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(18)
- Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I) from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(17)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★★(15)
- Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics from Columbia University ★★★☆☆(15)
- Machine Learning With Big Data from University of California, San Diego ★★☆☆☆(14)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Columbia University ★★★★☆(12)
- Machine Learning from Columbia University ★★★★☆(12)
- Text Mining and Analytics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★★☆(10)
- Hardware Security from University of Maryland, College Park ★★★☆☆(10)
- Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python from University of Michigan ★★☆☆☆(9)
- Machine Learning: Classification from University of Washington ★★★★★(9)
- Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus from Imperial College London ★★★★★(9)
- Convolutional Neural Networks from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★★(8)
- Reinforcement Learning from Brown University ★★★☆☆(8)
- Practical Deep Learning For Coders from fast.ai ★★★★☆(8)
- Cluster Analysis in Data Mining from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(7)
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★☆(6)
- Applied Machine Learning in Python from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(6)
- Enabling Technologies for Data Science and Analytics: The Internet of Things from Columbia University ★☆☆☆☆(6)
- Graph Analytics for Big Data from University of California, San Diego ★★★☆☆(6)
- Machine Learning from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(6)
- Advanced Operating Systems from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(6)
- Interactive 3D Graphics from Autodesk ★★★★☆(6)
- Model Building and Validation from AT&T ★★☆☆☆(6)
- Machine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval from University of Washington ★★★★★(5)
- Applied Cryptography from University of Virginia ★★★★☆(5)
- Introduction to Computer Architecture from Carnegie Mellon University ★★★★★(5)
- Sparse Representations in Image Processing: From Theory to Practice from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology ★★★★★(5)
- Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II) from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(4)
- Machine Learning for Data Analysis from Wesleyan University ★★★★☆(4)
- Probabilistic Graphical Models 2: Inference from Stanford University ★★★★☆(3)
- Applied Social Network Analysis in Python from University of Michigan ★★★★☆(3)
- Practical Predictive Analytics: Models and Methods from University of Washington ★★☆☆☆(3)
- Regression Modeling in Practice from Wesleyan University ★★★★☆(3)
- Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA from Imperial College London ★★☆☆☆(3)
- Quantitative Formal Modeling and Worst-Case Performance Analysis from EIT Digital ★★★☆☆(3)
- Comparing Genes, Proteins, and Genomes (Bioinformatics III) from University of California, San Diego ★★★★★(2)
- Genomic Data Science and Clustering (Bioinformatics V) from University of California, San Diego ★★★★☆(2)
- Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★☆☆(2)
- Introduction to Operating Systems from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(2)
- Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Cloud Computing Applications, Part 2: Big Data and Applications in the Cloud from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ★★★☆☆(2)
- Foundations of Data Analysis – Part 2: Inferential Statistics from The University of Texas at Austin ★★★★☆(2)
- Introduction to Deep Learning from Higher School of Economics ★★★☆☆(2)
- Nearest Neighbor Collaborative Filtering from University of Minnesota ★★☆☆☆(2)
- Data Mining: Theories and Algorithms for Tackling Big Data | 数据挖掘:理论与算法 from Tsinghua University ★★★☆☆(2)
- Reinforcement Learning in Finance from New York University (NYU) ★☆☆☆☆(2)
- Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm from Twitter ★★★★☆(2)
- Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 1: Least Squares from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★★(1)
- Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Detection from Johns Hopkins University ★★★★☆(1)
- High Performance Computer Architecture from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Computational Photography from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★☆(1)
- Computability, Complexity & Algorithms from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Network Security from Georgia Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Big Data, Genes, and Medicine from State University of New York ★★★★☆(1)
- Quantum Machine Learning from University of Toronto ★★★★★(1)
- Parallel Programming in Java from Rice University ★★★★☆(1)
- Concurrent Programming in Java from Rice University ★★★★★(1)
- Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses from University of Colorado System ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ★★★☆☆(1)
- Nature, in Code: Biology in JavaScript from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ★★★☆☆(1)
- Hands-on Text Mining and Analytics from Yonsei University ★★★★★(1)
- Optimize ML Models and Deploy Human-in-the-Loop Pipelines from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★☆(1)
- DevOps Practices and Principles from Microsoft ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning from IBM ★★★☆☆(1)
- Introduction to Cloud Foundry and Cloud Native Software Architecture from Linux Foundation ★★★★★(1)
- Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing: Fundamentals from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- AI for Medical Diagnosis from DeepLearning.AI ★★★★☆(1)
- Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ★★★★☆(1)
- Security Operations and Administration from (ISC)² ★★★★★(1)
- Systems and Application Security from (ISC)² ★★★★☆(1)
- Identifying, Monitoring, and Analyzing Risk and Incident Response and Recovery from (ISC)² ★★★★☆(1)
- Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science from Harvard University
- Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning from DeepLearning.AI
- Advanced Learning Algorithms from DeepLearning.AI
- Real-Time Audio Signal Processing in Faust from Stanford University
- Computation Structures 3: Computer Organization from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Number Theory and Cryptography from University of California, San Diego
- Introduction to Concurrent Programming with GPUs from Johns Hopkins University
- Cryptography and Hashing Overview from University of California, Irvine
- Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis from University of California, Irvine
- Cluster Analysis, Association Mining, and Model Evaluation from University of California, Irvine
- Data Science: Inferential Thinking through Simulations from University of California, Berkeley
- Molecular Evolution (Bioinformatics IV) from University of California, San Diego
- Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI) from University of California, San Diego
- Dynamic Programming: Applications In Machine Learning and Genomics from University of California, San Diego
- NP-Complete Problems from University of California, San Diego
- Design Thinking and Predictive Analytics for Data Products from University of California, San Diego
- Deploying Machine Learning Models from University of California, San Diego
- Meaningful Predictive Modeling from University of California, San Diego
- High Performance Computing from Georgia Institute of Technology
- GT – Refresher – Advanced OS from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Artificial Intelligence from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cyber-Physical Systems Security from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Compilers: Theory and Practice from Georgia Institute of Technology
- FA17: Machine Learning from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Machine Learning from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cyber-Physical Systems Design & Analysis from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning from University of Edinburgh
- Plant Bioinformatics from University of Toronto
- Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization from University of Melbourne
- Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization from University of Melbourne
- 离散优化建模基础篇 Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 离散优化建模高阶篇 Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 离散优化算法篇 Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization from University of Melbourne
- Basic Data Descriptors, Statistical Distributions, and Application to Business Decisions from Rice University
- Quantum Cryptography from California Institute of Technology
- LAFF-On Programming for High Performance from The University of Texas at Austin
- Machine Learning from The University of Texas at Austin
- Обработка изображений from Higher School of Economics
- Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based from University of Minnesota
- Recommender Systems: Evaluation and Metrics from University of Minnesota
- Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques from University of Minnesota
- Computer Applications of Artificial Intelligence and e-Construction from Purdue University
- Combining and Analyzing Complex Data from University of Maryland, College Park
- Introduction to High-Performance and Parallel Computing from University of Colorado Boulder
- Statistical Inference for Estimation in Data Science from University of Colorado Boulder
- Classical Cryptosystems and Core Concepts from University of Colorado System
- Mathematical Foundations for Cryptography from University of Colorado System
- Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection from University of Colorado System
- Cryptography and Information Theory from University of Colorado System
- MATLAB et Octave pour débutants from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Optimization: principles and algorithms – Linear optimization from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Optimization: principles and algorithms – Network and discrete optimization from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Optimization: principles and algorithms – Unconstrained nonlinear optimization from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Il linguaggio naturale, dall’uomo alla macchina from University of Naples Federico II
- Machine Learning e Data Mining in R from University of Naples Federico II
- 機器學習基石下 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Algorithmic Foundations from National Taiwan University
- 人工智慧:搜尋方法與邏輯推論 (Artificial Intelligence – Search & Logic) from National Taiwan University
- 人工智慧:機器學習與理論基礎 (Artificial Intelligence – Learning & Theory) from National Taiwan University
- Operations Research (1): Models and Applications from National Taiwan University
- Operations Research (2): Optimization Algorithms from National Taiwan University
- Sesenta años de inteligencia artificial from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Razonamiento artificial from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- DNA Sequences: Alignments and Analysis from University System of Maryland
- 计算几何 | Computational Geometry from Tsinghua University
- Big Data Machine Learning | 大数据机器学习 from Tsinghua University
- System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences from EIT Digital
- System Validation (2): Model process behaviour from EIT Digital
- System Validation (4): Modelling Software, Protocols, and other behaviour from EIT Digital
- System Validation (3): Requirements by modal formulas from EIT Digital
- Approximation Algorithms from EIT Digital
- Automated Reasoning: Symbolic Model Checking from EIT Digital
- Generative Modelling from National University of Singapore
- Performative Modelling from National University of Singapore
- Infrastructure as Code from Microsoft
- DevOps Testing from Microsoft
- DevOps for Databases from Microsoft
- Secure Software Development: Verification and More Specialized Topics from Linux Foundation
- Secure Software Development: Requirements, Design, and Reuse from Linux Foundation
- Introduction to RISC-V from Linux Foundation
- Building a RISC-V CPU Core from Linux Foundation
- RISC-V Toolchain and Compiler Optimization Techniques from Linux Foundation
- Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation from University of California, Santa Cruz
- Introduction to Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping from Kyoto University
- AI for Medical Prognosis from DeepLearning.AI
- AI For Medical Treatment from DeepLearning.AI
- Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) from DeepLearning.AI
- Build Better Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) from DeepLearning.AI
- Apply Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) from DeepLearning.AI
- Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow from DeepLearning.AI
- Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow from DeepLearning.AI
- Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production from DeepLearning.AI
- Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production from DeepLearning.AI
- Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production from DeepLearning.AI
- Introduction to Machine Learning in Production from DeepLearning.AI
- Computer System Design: Advanced Concepts of Modern Microprocessors from Chalmers University of Technology
- Approximation Algorithms Part II from École normale supérieure
- Reliable Distributed Algorithms – Part 2 from KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Access Controls from (ISC)²
- Networks and Communications Security from (ISC)²
- Optimizing Machine Learning Performance from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute